Things to Do This Summer
This page will be updated with weekly ideas of things to do around the Blyth Valley Churches this summer for families, children and youth. Each of our weeks has a theme that links to our Family Picnics at St Mary's Church. Picnics are on every Thursday from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm throughout the summer holidays.

Week One - See it, Name it, Love it
Our focus for week one of the summer holiday's links to work that Revd Alison Alder and our churches have been doing with the Eco Churches and promoting biodiversity. At the moment our beautiful churchyards are full with buzzing life, from wildflowers to an array of insects, bugs, glow worms, slow worms, hedgehogs, birds and even the odd deer.
This week we are focusing on insects and bugs as part of our see it, name it, love it and have some fantastic things for you to do. See it, name it, love it - encourages us to slow down and apppreciate the world around us. Slowing down and connnecting with nature can help support our mental health and well-being. See it - means pause, stop, watch and observe closely. Name it- stands for do you know what it called? Can you find out. And love it means enjoy it, watch it and feel grateful.
Thursday 25th July 2024 - from 11:30 am till 1:30 pm
Pop along to St Mary's Church in Halesworth and join in the range of activities and crafts we have for young children set up as well have some yummy lunch. We will paint some gorgeous symmetrical butterflies. Use spotter guides to see what butterflies we can find in the churchyard. Have bug pots to look closely at our finds. There will also be games and toys to play with and the opportunity to have a go at making a clay bug.
Spot Butterflies in the Churchyard at St Mary's Church in Halesworth
Access the church of Englands Spotter guide here for Churchyard Butterflies. We will have some printed out in St Mary's Church in Halesworth but feel free to download and use the digital version. Feel free to leave a picture or a note of the butterflies that you managed to find on the Summer activities board (located in the children's area).
Walpole Bees - From Saturday 27th July 2024
Visit St Mary's Church in Walpole and meet their honey bees. Learn inside about plants that are bee friendly and venture into the churchyard to see which ones you can find. Make your very own bee craft. We also have the opportunity to leave a honeycomb prayer for our bees. This will be available all summer.
See it, Name it, Love it - St Peter's Church, Wenhaston Church
Pop along to Wenhaston Church anytime this summer and pick up a flyer of 5 things you can do this summer. Also Available in the Blyth Valley Times (August Edition) page 12. Available here.
Visit any of our Churchyards
Feel free to visit any of our churchyards and see what insects and bugs you can find. Perhaps it will be a wiggly worm under a flowerpot. Or a munching caterpillar on a leaf or even a spider spinning it's web on the exterior church walls. Why not tag us in your finds with the name of the Church and #SeeitNameitLoveit on Facebook; just use @Blyth Valley Churches Suffolk.

Week Two - I am Loved
Our focus for week two of the summer holiday's was linked to our second family picnic with the theme I am loved. We wanted the opportunity to support children's well-being, mental health and confidence. To know that they are loved and special.
Thursday 1st August 2024 - from 11:30 am till 1:30 pm
Pop along to St Mary's Church in Halesworth and join in the range of activities and crafts we have for young children set up as well have some yummy lunch. We will be playing with playdough and making natural faces, painting our clay from last week, doing some positive affirmations and yoga; as well as playing a special heart game. We would like to say a huge thank you to Clarke's Butchers in Bramfield who donated us some sausages for hotdogs.
Daily Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations can support your child's mental health and well-being. It helps to develop a voice of positivity that the children can fall back on. These are the 4 affirmations that we did with yoga poses.
1. I am Loved. (Sit on the floor, cross legs, and wrap arms around yourself).
2. I am strong. (Move to your knees, put your hands out in front and your head up)
3. I belong. (Stand up, put your feet apart, stretch out your arms)
4. I am loved. (Stand on one leg, twist your arms around each other and hold hands)
I Love Your...Game
Whilst playing games with your child, such as rolling a car backwards and forwards or throwing a ball. Each time that you send it to your child say something that you love about them. If they are old enough, encourage them to say something back to you or a sibling.
Morsbags Craft
Morsbags are a local charity that make linen bags and share for free. Aiming to reduce the number of plastic bags in the environment. Thank you for bringing some bags to our family picnic for us to decorate.

Week Three - Morsbag's and More
Our focus for week three of the summer holiday's is Morsbag's and more! We will be sharing some tips and activity ideas for including your children in becoming greener, more sustainable and looking after the beautiful planet we have.
Thursday 8th August 2024 - from 11:30 am till 1:30 pm
Pop along to St Mary's Church in Halesworth and join in the range of activities and crafts we have for young children set up as well have some yummy lunch. This week we are very lucky to be joined by the Halesworth Morsbag Podlet, who will be bringing plain bags for children to decorate with permanent markers. We will also have clay available, games and activities, music time and make some yummy fruit keebabs to have with lunch.
St Peter's Church, Spexhall
St Peter's Church in Spexhall is very proudly one of our Eco Churches with a silver eco church award. Why not wander around the churchyard? This is kept as a wildlife sanctuary, see what you can spot and see. The also have a composting area, can you find any other things this church has done to become an Eco Church?
Small Acts of Eco-Warriors
Get your children involved in helping with small acts around the home that can help you to become greener. For example, helping the hang the washing out instead of putting laundry in the tumble drier. Or turning of lights when you leave a room. Leaving water out for wildlife in the heat. Or going blackberry picking and staying local; reducing your carbon footprint.
Walk Somewhere Instead of Drive
Save petrol or diesel and the environment and choose to walk instead of drive. Or even get our the bikes and go for a bike ride. Did you know that several of our churches are within walking distance of one another? Why not go for an afternoon stroll from one to another. Below is a suggestion for walking from Halesworth to Holton.
Family Picnic - 15th August
Week Four - This Little Light of Mine
Our focus for week four of the summer holiday's is this little light of mine! We will be sharing some ideas to help your children let their light shine this week!
Matthew 5:14-16: “You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
Thursday 15th August 2024 - from 11:30 am till 1:30 pm
Pop along to St Mary's Church in Halesworth and join in the range of activities and crafts we have for young children set up as well have some yummy lunch. This week we are going to be making our very own candles, as well as decorating jar tealight holders, we will talk about how we can let our light shine and will also do a stain glass window hunt and craft. There will be a selection of toys and games available too.
Let Our Light Shine
Here are some ideas for letting your light shine this week through random acts of kindness:
Bake a cake for a neighbour or friend.
Hold the door open for someone.
Give flowers to a stranger.
Be kind to the environment and go litter picking.
Donate old toys to someone in need or a children's home.