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St Peter's Church, 


Spexhall 14.07.2024

About St Peter's Church

Spexhall is one of the smaller parishes in the benefice and is split into three areas plus several isolated groups of farmhouses. Spexhall Stone Street and Westhall Cross Roads straddle the main road. Old Spexhall Village is a mile to the west of Stone Street.  With a population of 190 there are just under 100 houses.


St Peter’s is the beating heart of the Spexhall parish, along with the village hall and the parish council.  The parishioners, whether regular churchgoers or not, support each other’s community activities in a friendly and joyful spirit.  The church is very open to changing with the times.


A pretty Grade II listed parish church whose basic structure dates from around 1150. The north doorway is thought to be 12th century, whilst there is a small 14th century doorway on the south wall.  The south porch was probably built in the 15th century and was restored in 1733. The original round tower (probably 12th century) fell down in 1725 and was subsequently rebuilt. Well maintained, the interior of the church shows the extent of late Victorian restoration. It is well-used for baptisms, weddings and funerals and is never locked. There is a special ‘welcome’ corner for children. The church is on a footpath and all passing visitors are provided with a table of refreshments and a quiet sitting area.

  • Small but beautifully formed, fit and active PCC (ages 30ish -70ish).

  • Creative fundraising frequently taking place.

  • A lively outward focussed culture, having fun, laughing a lot.

  • Know the residents in our village.

  • Inform every house in the village of special events being held.

  • A committed flower team - always flowers in church.

  • New residents given an informative ‘welcome pack’.

  • Links with St Lawrence School, children and family oriented. 

  • An Eco-church – Spexhall churchyard is kept as a sanctuary for wildlife.

  • The Team’s agricultural church, keeping all the traditional agricultural festivals – including Rogation and Lammas. 

  • The plough kept in the church is blessed on Plough Sunday.

  • Tenebrae, Easter, Christmas and a unique carol service.

Contact Us

Team Rector: The Revd Dominic Doble

Tel: 01986 948968/07743 554955


Churchwarden: Keith Noakes

07939 527340


Spexhall team service.jpg

Find Us


St Peter's Church,

Church Road,

Spexhall, Halesworth IP19 ORQ

Photo Gallery

Please support us - MAKE A DONATION 

THANK YOU, your donation will make an important difference.

The QR code for donations is also displayed on posters in church

Spexhall QR Code.jpg

Telephone: 01986 875941 or 07752 275328.    
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