About St Peter's Church
Spexhall is one of the smaller parishes in the benefice. Most houses are along the old Roman Road of Stone Street, with other parts of the village at the Westhall crossroads, around the start of Grub Lane, along Church
Lane and Church Road. The church lies about a quarter of mile from Stone Street. With a population of 190 there are just under 100 houses.
Although St Peter’s is in an ‘isolated’ location, it is near the village hall and so in some respects is at the heart of
village activity. The parishioners, whether regular churchgoers or not, support each other’s community activities in a friendly and joyful spirit. The church community is an inclusive one, and the regular members always make a point of welcoming those who are occasional visitors or attending for the first time.
Parts of the Grade II listed parish church date from the 12th century, there is a small 14th century doorway on the south wall, and Mediaeval construction and expansion. The south porch was probably built in the 15th century and restored in 1733. The original tower fell down in 1725 and a round tower was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Well maintained, the interior of the church shows late Victorian restoration.
Regular monthly worship alternates between holy communion and morning prayer. It is well-used for baptisms, weddings and funerals and is open for visitors every day. There is a special ‘welcome’ corner for children. The churchyard has a footpath passing right through it and the many passing visitors are provided with a table of refreshments and a quiet sitting and prayer area.
● A small and active PCC
● Creative fundraising taking place eg concerts, parish parties and festivals
● The PCC ensure that new members of the village are welcomed and provided with a ‘welcome pack’
● Silver Award (Rocha Eco-Church awards) for the church and churchyard which is a wildlife sanctuary.
● The church has joint services with Wissett for Plough Sunday and Rogation, with emphasis on the life of the farming community.
● A Good Friday Tenebrae service is held uniquely here, and the festivals of Easter, Christmas are especially well attending

Contact Us
Team Rector: The Revd Dominic Doble
Tel: 01986 948968/07743 554955
Email: dominic.doble@phonecoop.coop
Churchwarden: Keith Noakes
07939 527340
Email: keith.noakes@gmail.com