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St Margaret's Church, Heveningham with Ubbeston


About St Margaret's Church

St Margaret’s Church stands on a mound above the roadside and village street of Heveningham. Since the closure of St Peter’s Church Ubbeston, St Margaret’s serves both parishes. The population of the two villages is about 180 people, scattered widely over a large area. There are no public buildings other than the Church. To the east of Heveningham village lies the house and estate of Heveningham Hall, whose owners have been very influential in the history of the village and church.


The Church is Grade 1 listed and is mentioned in the Domesday Book, though the present stone-built Church dates from the 11th and 12th centuries, with many later additions. It has a fine hammerbeam roof, a peal of five bells, donated by George III, a wooden effigy of Sir John Heveningham and a large manorial pew, complete with fireplace. Unusually there are two fonts, one 19th century, and the other, 16th century moved there from St Peters, Ubbeston.

  • 32 people on the electoral roll, with an average of 15 at regular services.

  • Since the informal attachment to the Blyth Valley Team, one Eucharist a month (BCP) - although we hope to return to some non-Eucharistic services in addition.

  • Occasional services such as Harvest Festival, Remembrance Sunday, Carol Service and Mothering Sunday are always very well attended.


    A tradition of live music in our services with a small but valiant choir.

  • A policy of organising events which bring the community together in the absence of a village hall,  such as our Harvest Songs of Praise, followed by Harvest Supper in the church and our Candlelit Carol Service.

  • The PCC and congregation provide volunteers at the annual Heveningham Hall Country Fair, receiving from the HHCF Trust several capital grants for work on the Church. 

  • We hold a Christmas Fair on site at the Hall’s annual Christmas Market.

  • We have willing and able volunteers and a PCC who together ensure the upkeep of the Church, churchyard, which is renowned for its spring flowers and the Glebe.

Contact Us

Team Rector: The Revd Dominic Doble

Tel: 01986 948968/07743 554955



Jeanette Griffin

Tel: 01986 798280


Find Us

St Margaret's Church,

Church Road, Heveningham

Halesworth, Suffolk IP19 0EP

Photo Gallery

Heveningham QR Poster.jpg

Telephone: 01986 875941 or 07752 275328.    
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