Mothers' Union is a worldwide community of people doing they can through volunteering, giving and prayer to support families, to promote marriage and family life and to reach out within their communities to people who are isolated, in trouble or in need of help.
Our Mission is to demonstrate the Christian faith in action by the transformation of Communities worldwide through the nurture of family in its many forms.
Halesworth Branch (Charity No. 249726)
We meet in St Mary's Church Hall on the third Thursday of the month at 2pm. Our meetings always begin with a short act of worship. Our programme for the year is varied we may have a talk or we might do an activity or have a discussion. This encourages more dialogue between members and builds up the fellowship amongst members. We have an outing in August and a special Christmas meeting e.g. a Christmas party or afternoon tea at a local restaurant. A new venture this year is to join with our sister branch at Wenhaston for joint meetings which has been well received. We promote Mothers' Union by holding a cake stall in the Thoroughfare during August in support of the Summer Appeal, as well as holding three coffee mornings during the year. These are our form of outreach to the wider community for folks to come and enjoy coffee and a friendly chat as well as raising funds for Mothers' Union. We are a very friendly group of ladies who welcome visitors to any of our meetings. For more information about our branch, please contact Win Sutton Telephone 01986 875225 or email: win.sutton28@gmail. com
Further information about the work of Mothers' Union visit www.mothersunion.org