Weekly Events
So much is happening across the Blyth Valley Churches and communities here are weekly activities.

Holy Communion
St Mary's Church, Halesworth
Every Wednesday at 10 am
Everyone welcome for our mid-week Holy Communion at St Mary's Church.

Cafe Church
On Zoom
Every Tuesday at 10 am
Everyone welcome for a time of community and support at our weekly cafe church.
For login details of how to join, or to be added to the mailing list, please email:
The Revd Canon Alison Alder at:
The Revd Linda Berry at:

Morning Worship
St Andrew's, Bramfield
9:30 am every Thursday
Everyone welcome every Thursday for our midweek worship at St Andrew's Bramfield.

Halesworth Men's Shed
Back of Chinny's Carpark
(27 Norwich Road, Halesworth, IP19 8BX)
Tues, Weds, Thurs 10-2 and Sat 10-12
Well equipped workshop, for anyone interested in working and socialising around a bench for themselves, others and the community.
Telephone: 01986 835 905 or drop in.

'Growing Younger' Prayer Group
Every Monday (excluding bank holidays) 9:15 till 9:45 am
A new Diocesan prayer group 'Growing Younger' meeting weekly on zoom. To pray for children, young people, families, paid and volunteer workers, teachers, schools and churches.
To join contact:
Emma Allinson

Church Mice Tots Group
St Mary's Church, Halesworth
Every Thursday 11:30am-1pm
We are relaunching our Church Mice Tots Group from Thursday 12th September, focusing on under 2's. Come along to our relaxed group, led by Pauline a Qualified Early Years Teacher. Come along for a cuppa and cake and join in some fun activities with your little ones.

Rhyme Time and Play Session
Every Tuesday 10-11:30 am
Halesworth Library
Everyone welcome for our free Rhyme Time & Play session to sing fun songs followed by free play with our toys.

Halesworth Community Larder
St Mary's Church Hall, Halesworth
Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays 10:30-11:30 am
The Halesworth community larder project is available for anyone in need. Every welcome just pop along to St Mary's church hall.

Time Out
Every Wednesday 10 am
Halesworth Library
We also hold a Time Out group for older people every Wednesday 10am, to make new friends and chat over a cup of tea.

Halesworth Dementia Carers' Fund
Mondays 11am – 12.15pm Seated Movement to Music at Holton Village Hall. Tuesdays 2pm – 3.30pm Memory Café in the Co-op Community Room. Wednesdays 2pm – 3.30pm Singing with Friends at Holton Village Hall. Thursdays 1pm – 3pm Creative Art at The Cut.
Fridays 12.30pm – 1.30pm Seated and Standing Tap in the Co-op Community Room.
Fridays 2pm – 3.30pm Carers Support Group in the Co-op Community Room.
We welcome all people caring for those with dementia, and those suffering from dementia. All these activities provide wonderful stimulation, and greatly enhance quality of life, so do come and support us.

'Living in Hope'
Lent Study
The Church of England’s Lent theme for 2025 is “Living Hope” and it has produced a range of resources on this theme. Jason is ordering some copies of the Church of
England “living Hope” Lent booklet, which has daily reflections for the season.
Alternatively, the booklets and other related materials can be accessed vias the Church of England website:
If you would like to be part of a group, there are at least two opportunities for you to join one. Both groups will be following that Lent course written by Embrace the
Middle East “Hope in Hard Places”.
1. In person at 4pm on Monday afternoons in Wenhaston, starting on 10th March
2. Online via Zoom at “Café Church” Tuesday mornings at 10am, starting on Tuesday 11th March.
Please contact me if you would like to join one of these groups:
revalialder@gmail.com or 01502 478855.

Lady Day Service and Commissioning of the Board
25th March 2025 at 2 pm
Bury St Edmunds Cathedral
Lady Day Service and Commissioning of the trustee board, diocesan officers and branch leaders. Tuesday 25th March St Edmundsbury Cathedral 2pm Do come to the Lady Day service on March 25th in the cathedral, when members of the trustee board will be commissioned, along with the all diocesan officers and branch leaders. Banners can be brought to this service as long as they come with a banner stand. Tea will be served after the service in the cathedral. The service will be live streamed via the cathedral website and can also be viewed in the days after March 25th. So why not make a day of it, come to Bury St Edmunds earlier in the day to and try to spot other Mothers' Union members who you can chat to before coming to our Lady Day service.

Mystery, Murder and Mayhem: The playful world of crime writing
27th March 2025 at 2:30 pm
Halesworth Library
On Thursday 27th March at 2.30pm The Friends of Halesworth Library welcome author Natalie Meg Evans for this month’s book talk. Mystery, Murder and Mayhem: The playful world of crime writing. To celebrate the debut of MURDER AT MERRY BEGGAR’S HALL, Suffolk author Natalie Meg Evans talks in her new guise as mystery writer, Kay Blythe.

Coat of Hopes
The Coat of Hopes is a patchwork coat on an ongoing walking pilgrimage through the UK, hoping to focus people's minds on the climate and ecological emergency.
The coat will be in Norwich from February 28th - March 22nd, from March 23rd-26th will be going to Lowestoft, then on April starts its journey to Ipswich, calling at Wrentham on April 7th and Halesworth on April 8th. The full itinerary is on the coat of hopes website.
You can read more on page 26 of March's edition of the Blyth Valley Times.

Easter Family Picnics
10th April and 17th April 2025
From 11:30 am till 1 pm
St Mary's Church Halesworth
Everyone is welcome to join us at St Mary's Church in Halesworth for our Easter Family picnics. Come and join us for a free picnic and some Easter crafts and activities.

Coffee Morning
12th April 2025 10:30 am
St Margaret's Church Heveningham with Ubbeston
Everyone is welcome at our coffee morning. Join us for a cuppa and a nice slice of cake.

Art Exhibition
17th, 18th and 19th April
St Mary's Church, Halesworth
The Chediston Art Group will be returning to St Mary's Church in Halesworth with an Easter themed exhibition. Be sure to come along and enjoy all their art work.

Work Party
19th April 2025 10 am - 1pm
All Saint's Church, Blyford
Our first volunteer work party of 2025 will be on Saturday 19th April from 10am to 1pm, with a mid morning break at the Queen’s Head, over the road from the church. Even if you can’t lend a hand, call in to say hello if you are passing.
Pastoral Ministry Support Group
The Pastoral Ministry Group (PMG) is a group of people from across the Blyth Valley Team who meet once a month to learn and develop their skills in pastoral care, and to support and pray for each other. The group is open to anyone involved in pastoral care, visiting or supporting people. It consists of people who have been involved in
pastoral care in the past or are currently giving support in their community. The group can offer advice or support in a safe and confidential environment.
The PMG usually meets on the third Monday of every month at 3.30pm at St Peter’s Church Room, Holton. For more information, please feel free to contact Revd. Canon Alison Alder or Revd Linda Berry.

St George's Day Parade
19th April 2025 at 2:30 pm
Everyone is welcome to join us for a St George's Day Parade starting at Edgwar Sewter Primary School, to the library and down the Thoroughfare ending at the church. Once at the church we will be flying the flag. Children are welcome to dress up as knights, horses and dragons. We hope to be joined by some other local groups and will be making flags and dragons at the family picnic the Thursday before.

24th April 2025 at 7 pm
All Saints Church, Blyford
On Thursday 24th April at 7pm, Blyford Church will be the venue for a Spring Concert with Heartbeat choir and local musicians Karen Thomas and Jane Parker.
Student Choir Concert
28th April 2025 at 6 pm
St Mary's Church, Halesworth
A student Choir of the University of Liberec, in Bohemia; will be coming for a very special concert at St Mary's Church in Halesworth. The theme is to be “V E Day" in words and music. As we are also celebrating the 80th Anniversary of V E Day this year, we hope that the choir will add to our own celebrations during this evening.
After the concert, the choir members, average age about 21, are very keen to meet and talk to members of the audience, to improve their English, which already is very good.
Admission is free.

VE Day 80th Celebration
10th May 2025
Join us for a parade through town ending in a VE Service at 11 am, at St Mary's Church in Halesworth. Followed by a street party in Halesworth Thoroughfare. Bring a picnic and a chair, and enjoy the music and community spirit.